
This module contains list of white- and black-listed python members.

It contains lists of keywords and built-in functions we discourage to use. It also contains some exceptions that we allow to use in our codebase.

FUNCTIONS_BLACKLIST = frozenset({'__import__', 'breakpoint', 'compile', 'copyright', 'credits', 'delattr', 'dir', 'eval', 'exec', 'exit', 'globals', 'hasattr', 'help', 'input', 'locals', 'quit', 'staticmethod', 'vars'})

List of functions we forbid to use.

MODULE_METADATA_VARIABLES_BLACKLIST = frozenset({'__about__', '__all__', '__author__', '__version__'})

List of module metadata we forbid to use.

VARIABLE_NAMES_BLACKLIST = frozenset({'bar', 'baz', 'content', 'contents', 'data', 'do', 'false', 'file', 'foo', 'handle', 'handler', 'info', 'item', 'items', 'no', 'obj', 'objects', 'objs', 'parameters', 'params', 'result', 'results', 'some', 'true', 'val', 'vals', 'value', 'values', 'var', 'variable', 'vars'})

List of variable names we forbid to use.

SPECIAL_ARGUMENT_NAMES_WHITELIST = frozenset({'cls', 'mcs', 'self'})

List of special names that are used only as first argument in methods.

MAGIC_METHODS_BLACKLIST = frozenset({'__del__', '__delattr__', '__delete__', '__delitem__', '__dir__'})

List of magic methods that are forbidden to use.

NESTED_CLASSES_WHITELIST = frozenset({'Meta', 'Params'})

List of nested classes’ names we allow to use.

ALLOWED_BUILTIN_CLASSES = frozenset({'object', 'type'})

List of builtin classes that are allowed to subclass.

NESTED_FUNCTIONS_WHITELIST = frozenset({'decorator', 'factory'})

List of nested functions’ names we allow to use.

FUTURE_IMPORTS_WHITELIST = frozenset({'annotations', 'generator_stop'})

List of allowed __future__ imports.

MODULE_NAMES_BLACKLIST = frozenset({'helpers', 'util', 'utilities', 'utils'})

List of blacklisted module names.

MAGIC_MODULE_NAMES_WHITELIST = frozenset({'__init__', '__main__'})

List of allowed module magic names.

MAGIC_MODULE_NAMES_BLACKLIST = frozenset({'__dir__', '__getattr__'})

List of bad magic module functions.

MODULE_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile('^_?_?[a-z][a-z\\d_]*[a-z\\d](__)?$')

Regex pattern to name modules.

MAGIC_NUMBERS_WHITELIST = frozenset({0.5, 24, 60, 100, 1000, 1024})

Common numbers that are allowed to be used without being called “magic”.


Maximum amount of noqa comments per module.


Maximum amount of pragma no-cover comments per module.


Maximum length of yield tuple expressions.