Github Actions

Github Action badge

Good news: we ship pre-built Github Action with this project.

You can use it from the Github Marketplace:

- name: wemake-python-styleguide
  uses: wemake-python-styleguide@latest

You can also specify any version starting from 0.12.5 instead of the latest tag. You can also specify to leave inline PR comments and PR summary review starting from 0.13.1 version.


We support three reporting options:

  • terminal (default one) when we just dump the output into Action’s logs. Is the easiest one to setup, that’s why we use it by default

  • github-pr-review (recommended) when we use inline comments inside code reviews

  • github-pr-check when we use Github Checks for the output

That’s how it can be setup:

- name: wemake-python-styleguide
  uses: wemake-python-styleguide@latest
    reporter: 'github-pr-review'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.github_token }}

That’s how the result will look like:

We also support custom path to be specified:

- name: wemake-python-styleguide
  uses: wemake-python-styleguide@latest
    path: './your/custom/path'


We also support outputs from the spec, so you can later pass the output of wemake-python-styleguide to somewhere else.

- name: wemake-python-styleguide
  uses: wemake-python-styleguide@latest
- name: Custom Action
  runs: echo "{{ steps.wemake-python-styleguide.outputs.output }}"