Plugins and hooks

We leverage all the existing flake8 infrastructure and tools. There are different integrations for your workflow.

If you want to keep absolute control over the installed plugins, and prevent wemake-python-styleguide to install its dependencies, you can install a lighter fork, wps-light, which behaves the same but doesn’t depend on any flake8 plugin.


There are a lot of specific plugins that are not included, because they are, well, specific:


Hooks are 3rd-party apps and services that run flake8 on different occasions:

  • pytest-flake8 to run style checks alongside with tests

  • pre-commit to run flake8 before all commits locally

    • Note that since the default flake8 used by pre-commit does not have wemake plugin, we have to ask pre-commit to run local flake8 that is installed via wemake. A sample config for .pre-commit-config.yaml:

    -   repo: local
        -   id: flake8
            name: flake8
            description: wemake-python-styleguide enforcement
            entry: flake8
            args: ["--config=setup.cfg"]
            language: python
            types: [python]
  • pronto-flake8 to post inline-comments with violations during code-review inside your CI

  • Directly modify git pre-commit hook without third party app or service.

    • Open <your_local_repo>/.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample (git runs this script after one calls git commit. If this script exits with code 1, commit would fail)

    • Add the following code before the one checking for whitespace errors.

    # Your added code to run wemake-python-styleguide. Add this before
    # the whitespace error lines
    flake8 .
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]
     echo "Please fix the ERRORS and commit again."
     exit 1
    # If there are whitespace errors, print the offending file names and fail.
    exec git diff-index --check --cached $against --
    • Save and rename the file from pre-commit.sample to pre-commit