
We leverage all the existing flake8 infrastructure. There are different integrations for your workflow.



There are some tools that are out of scope of this linter, however they are super cool. And should definitely be used!

Things we highly recommend to improve your code quality:

  • mypy runs type checks on your python code. Finds tons of issues. Makes your code better, improves you as a programmer. You must use, and tell your friends to use it too

  • layer-linter allows you to define application layers and ensure you do not break that contract. Absolutely must have

  • xenon and radon allow you to automate some code metrics check

  • cohesion tool to measure code cohesion, works for most of the times. We recommend to use it as a reporting tool

  • vulture allows you to find unused code. Has some drawbacks, since there is too many magic in python code. But, it is still very useful tool for the refactoring


If you are using stub .pyi files and flake8-pyi extensions you might need to ignore several violations that are bundled with this linter.

You can still do it on per-file bases as usual. Use *.pyi glob to list ignored violations:

per-file-ignores =
  *.pyi Z444, Z452

You can look at the returns project as an example.


Is not compatible to black. Let’s go deeper and see why.

black is a very simple tool to do just a one thing: reformat some basic stuff in your code like quotes, commas, and line length.

It is not a linter, but an auto-formatter. And quite an opinionated one! It is actually not compatible with PEP8 and flake8 (docs), that’s why it is not compatible with wemake-python-styleguide either. The difference between a linter and auto-formatter is huge:

  • auto-formatters pretties your code a little bit

  • linters force you to write beautiful and correct code

For example, auto-formatters won’t tell you that your code is too complex. When your linter will (in case it is a good linter).

We in believe that these kind of tools are not required, because a good linter will just not let your badly formated code pass the CI, so there would be no junk to reformat! All code is perfectly formated all the time.

Rely on strict linters, not auto-formatters.