.. _configuration: Configuration ============= Before going any further, make sure that you are familiar with ``flake8`` `configuration process `_. By default we encourage everyone to use ``setup.cfg`` to store all the configuration to all ``python`` projects. .. rubric:: Configuring .. automodule:: wemake_python_styleguide.options.config :no-members: .. rubric:: Ignoring violations We know that people might not agree with 100% of our rules. But we still want to provide the best experience for all users. So, you can disable some checks, that you are not ok with. **Note**: you might accidentally break the consistency of this project, when you disable some checks. `Report `_ these cases. There are three ways to ignore some specific violations: 1. Inline ignore with ``# noqa:`` comment and comma separated violation codes 2. Command line argument ``--ignore`` with comma separated violation codes 3. Configuration line inside ``setup.cfg``, `example `_ You can ignore: 1. Whole ``WPS`` letters, this will completely turn off all our custom checks 2. Some specific group (naming, complexity, consistency, best practices, etc) with ``WPS`` and the first number of this group 3. Some specific violation with the full violation code Use `per-file-ignores `_ option, so it is possible to ignore violations on a per-file bases. It means, that you can have different set of violations ignored for different files. Example: .. code:: ini # Inside `setup.cfg`: [flake8] per-file-ignores = # There are multiple `assert`s in tests, we allow them: tests/*.py: S101 .. rubric:: Further reading Read more about `ignoring violations `_ in the official ``flake8`` docs.