Formatter ========= Custom formatter for ``flake8`` :term:`violations `. Tries to be beautiful, compact, and informative. Improves the default formatter used by ``flake8``. .. rubric:: Usage To activate this formatter one will need to run: .. code:: bash flake8 --format=wemake Or set the configuration option inside ``setup.cfg`` file: .. code:: ini [flake8] format = wemake Option ``format = wemake`` is included into our default configuration. .. image:: To switch back to the default ``flake8`` formatter, you can use ``format = default`` option. There are other formatters out there as well. They can be installed as plugins. .. rubric:: Showing source code You can also (and we recommend to) enable ``--show-source`` option. It can be passed as a command line argument or set in ``setup.cfg``: .. code:: ini [flake8] show-source = True It will change how your reports are formatted, and will show the exact problem with your code: .. code:: » flake8 . --format=wemake --show-source ./wemake_python_styleguide/ 107:32 E231 missing whitespace after ':' def show_source(self, error:Violation) -> str: ^ It helps to visually identify the problems in your code and fix it faster. We include ``show-source = True`` into our default configuration. .. rubric:: Showing statistic You can also enable ``--statistics`` option. It can be passed as a command line argument or set in ``setup.cfg``: .. code:: ini [flake8] statistics = True It will group all violations by type and tell how many of them do you have and where you have them: .. code:: » flake8 . --format=wemake --show-source --statistics ./wemake_python_styleguide/ 107:32 E231 missing whitespace after ':' def show_source(self, error:Violation) -> str: ^ ./wemake_python_styleguide/ 53:47 E231 missing whitespace after ',' AnyFunctionDefAndLambda = Union[AnyFunctionDef,ast.Lambda] ^ E231: missing whitespace after ':' 1 ./wemake_python_styleguide/ 1 ./wemake_python_styleguide/ Total: 2 All errors: 2 We do not include ``statistics = True`` in our default configuration. It should be only called when user needs to find how many violations there are and what files do contain them. .. rubric:: Showing links to documentation You can also show links to the documentation pages of violations: .. code:: » flake8 . --format=wemake --show-source --show-violation-links ./wemake_python_styleguide/ 107:32 E231 missing whitespace after ':' -> def show_source(self, error:Violation) -> str: ^ In modern terminals, you can click them to open the respective docs page. We do not include ``show-violation-links`` in our default configuration. .. rubric:: Disabling colors and text highlight Set ``NO_COLOR=1`` environment variable to completely disable all text highlight and colors in ``wemake`` formatter. See for more information about ``NO_COLOR``.