Legacy projects

Introducing this package to a legacy project is going to be a challenge. Due to our strict quality, consistency, and complexity rules.

But, you still can do several things to integrate this linter step by step:

  1. Fix consistency, naming and best-practices violations, they are the easiest to clean up.

  2. Per-file ignore complexity checks that are failing for your project. Sometimes it is possible to rewrite several parts of your code, but generally complexity rules are the hardest to fix.

  3. Use boyscout rule: always leave your code better than you found it.

To make sure “boyscout rule” works we offically support --diff mode. The main idea of it is simple: we only lint things that we touch.

Existing legacy

You can also use –diff option of flake8 to lint the latest changes only.

This mode is officially supported and fully-operational.

Let’s take a look at the example. Imagine that we have this old and very big class (like 1000 lines of code):

class ExistingOldAndVeryBigClass:

    def method_we_do_not_care_about(self):
        return 5

    def method_we_need_to_touch(self):

Of course, it won’t make its way trough our linter. And you obciously do not want to refactor 1000s lines of code just to make a simple fix to method_we_need_to_touch.

New changes to it

We need to do something (we don’t care about the code’s logic in this example) with method_we_need_to_touch only:

class ExistingOldAndVeryBigClass:

    def method_we_do_not_care_about(self):
        return 5

    def method_we_need_to_touch(self):
        x = self.method_we_do_not_care_about()

Changes as diff

Now, when we made the required change, let’s see the diff.


That’s where --diff option is helpful. Let’s use it!

git diff | flake8 --diff

We use git-diff to show the difference between the previous state and current changes. But, you can use diff command itself or any other diff producers.

That’s what is going to be reported:


See? We only count things that were changed. And all other violations are ignored.

Fixing one thing at a time

It means that we only need to fix things we have touched in this commit:

class ExistingOldAndVeryBigClass:

    def method_we_do_not_care_about(self):
        return 5

    def method_we_need_to_touch(self):
        """Do this and that."""
        value_to_log = self.method_we_do_not_care_about()
        # We really need to log it, so it will be shown in logs:
        print(value_to_log)  # noqa: T001

That’s it. We have passed out linter with just so few reafctoring.

Of course, it has a downside: the ugly code still lives with you, but new ugly code won’t make its way to the project. And you are forced to improve things you write.

At some point in time, you will have 100% perfect code. Good linters and constant refactoring is the key to the success.