
Remember that wemake-python-styleguide is just a flake8 plugin.


pip install wemake-python-styleguide

We also recommend to use poetry instead of a default pip.


To run our linter you will need to run flake8 in any way you like:

flake8 .  # runs on all python files in the current directory (recommended)
flake8  # runs on a single file
flake8 your_package  # runs on a single your_package

See the flake8 docs for options and usage examples.

Golden rule is to run your linter on each commit locally and inside the CI. And to fail the build if there are any style violations.

Check out how we do it in our django and gitlab-ci template:

Ignoring violations

We know that people might not agree with 100% of our rules. But we still want to provide the best experience for all users.

So, you can disable some checks, that you are not ok with. Note: you might accidentally break the consistency of this project, when you disable some checks. Report these cases.

There are three ways to ignore some specific violations:

  1. Inline ignore with # noqa: comment and comma separated violation codes

  2. Command line argument --ignore with comma separated violation codes

  3. Configuration line inside setup.cfg or tox.ini, example

You can ignore:

  1. Whole WPS letters, this will completely turn off all our custom checks

  2. Some specific group (naming, complexity, consistency, best practices, etc) with WPS and the first number of this group

  3. Some specific violation with the full violation code

Use per-file-ignores option, so it is possible to ignore violations on a per-file bases. It means, that you can have different set of violations ignored for different files.


# contents of setup.cfg

per-file-ignores =
  # There are multiple `assert`s in tests, we allow them:
  tests/*.py: S101

Read more about ignoring violations in the official docs.