
Naming is hard! It is, in fact, one of the two hardest problems.

These checks are required to make your application easier to read and understand by multiple people over the long period of time.

Naming convention

Our naming convention tries to cover all possible cases. It is partially automated with this linter, but:

  • Some rules are still WIP

  • Some rules will never be automated, code reviews to the rescue!


  • Use only ASCII characters for names

  • Do not use transliteration from any other languages, translate names instead

  • Use clear names, do not use words that do not mean anything like obj

  • Use names of an appropriate length: not too short, not too long

  • Do not mask builtins

  • Do not use unreadable character sequences like O0 and Il

  • Protected members should use underscore as the first char

  • Private names with two leading underscores are not allowed

  • If you need to explicitly state that the variable is unused, prefix it with _ or just use _ as a name

  • Do not use variables that are stated to be unused, rename them when actually using them

  • Do not define unused variables unless you are unpacking other values as well

  • Do not use multiple underscores (__) to create unused variables

  • Whenever you want to name your variable similar to a keyword or builtin, use trailing _

  • Do not use consecutive underscores

  • When writing abbreviations in UpperCase capitalize all letters: HTTPAddress

  • When writing abbreviations in snake_case use lowercase: http_address

  • When writing numbers in snake_case do not use extra _ before numbers as in http2_protocol


  • Packages must use snake_case

  • One word for a package is the most preferable name


  • Modules must use snake_case

  • Module names must not overuse magic names

  • Module names must be valid Python identifiers


  • Classes must use UpperCase

  • Python’s built-in classes, however, are typically lowercase words

  • Exception classes must end with Error

Instance attributes

  • Instance attributes must use snake_case with no exceptions

Class attributes

  • Class attributes must use snake_case with no exceptions

  • Enum fields also must use snake_case

Functions and methods

  • Functions and methods must use snake_case with no exceptions

Method and function arguments

  • Instance methods must have their first argument named self

  • Class methods must have their first argument named cls

  • Metaclass methods must have their first argument named mcs

  • Python’s *args and **kwargs should be default names when just passing these values to some other method/function, unless you want to use these values in place, then name them explicitly

Global (module level) variables

  • Global variables must use CONSTANT_CASE

  • Unless other is required by the API, example: urlpatterns in Django


  • Variables must use snake_case with no exceptions

  • When a variable is unused it must be prefixed with an underscore: _user

Type aliases

  • Must use UpperCase as real classes

  • Must not contain word type in its name

Type variables

  • Type variables should be named clearly and properly, not just T or _VT

Pattern matching

  • All rules from local variables apply

  • Explicit as patterns must be used: case ... as _var_name is not allowed

  • However, mapping or sequence patterns can contain unused variables: case {"a_key": _not_used_value}:



WPS100 — Forbid blacklisted module names.


WPS101 — Forbid magic names (except some whitelisted ones).


WPS102 — Forbid module names that do not match our pattern.


WPS110 — Forbid blacklisted variable names.


WPS111 — Forbid short variable or module names.


WPS112 — Forbid private name pattern.


WPS113 — Forbid using the same alias as the original name in imports.


WPS114 — Forbid names with underscored numbers pattern.


WPS115 — Require snake_case for naming class attributes.


WPS116 — Forbid using more than one consecutive underscore in variable names.


WPS117 — Forbid naming variables self, cls, or mcs.


WPS118 — Forbid long variable or module names.


WPS119 — Forbid unicode names.


WPS120 — Forbid trailing _ for names that do not need it.


WPS121 — Forbid using variables that are marked as unused.


WPS122 — Forbid explicit unused variables.


WPS123 — Forbid unused variables with multiple underscores.


WPS124 — Forbid variable or module names which could be difficult to read.


WPS125 — Forbid variable or module names which shadow builtin names.

Module names

class WrongModuleNameViolation(node=None, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: SimpleViolation

WPS100 — Forbid blacklisted module names.


Some module names are not expressive enough. It is hard to tell what you can find inside the module.


Rename your module, reorganize the contents.

See MODULE_NAMES_BLACKLIST for the full list of bad module names.


# Correct:

# Wrong:

Added in version 0.1.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found wrong module name'
code: ClassVar[int] = 100
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS100'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid blacklisted module names.'
class WrongModuleMagicNameViolation(node=None, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: SimpleViolation

WPS101 — Forbid magic names (except some whitelisted ones).


Do not fall in love with magic. There’s no good reason to use magic names when you can use regular names.

See MAGIC_MODULE_NAMES_WHITELIST for the full list of allowed magic module names.


# Correct:

# Wrong:

Added in version 0.1.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found wrong module magic name'
code: ClassVar[int] = 101
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS101'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid magic names (except some whitelisted ones).'
class WrongModuleNamePatternViolation(node=None, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: SimpleViolation

WPS102 — Forbid module names that do not match our pattern.


Module names must be valid python identifiers. And just like the variable names - module names should be consistent. Ideally, they should follow the same rules. For python world it is common to use snake_case notation.

We use MODULE_NAME_PATTERN to validate the module names.


# Correct:

# Wrong:

Added in version 0.1.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found incorrect module name pattern'
code: ClassVar[int] = 102
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS102'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid module names that do not match our pattern.'

General names

class WrongVariableNameViolation(node, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: ASTViolation

WPS110 — Forbid blacklisted variable names.


We have found some names that are not expressive enough. However, they appear in the code more than often. All names that we forbid to use could be improved.


Try to use a more specific name instead. If you really want to use any of the names from the list, add a prefix or suffix to it. It will serve you well.

See VARIABLE_NAMES_BLACKLIST for the base list of blacklisted variable names.


# Correct:
html_node_item = None

# Wrong:
item = None

This rule is configurable with --allowed-domain-names. Default: ()

And with --forbidden-domain-names. Default: ()

The options listed above are used to create new variable names’ blacklist starting from VARIABLE_NAMES_BLACKLIST.

Added in version 0.1.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found wrong variable name: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 110
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS110'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid blacklisted variable names.'
class TooShortNameViolation(node=None, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: MaybeASTViolation

WPS111 — Forbid short variable or module names.


It is hard to understand what the variable means and why it is used, if its name is too short.


Think of another name. Give more context to it.

This rule checks: modules, variables, attributes, functions, methods, and classes.

We do not count trailing and leading underscores when calculating length.


# Correct:
x_coordinate = 1
abscissa = 2

# Wrong:
x = 1
y = 2

This rule is configurable with --min-name-length. Default: 2

Added in version 0.1.0.

Changed in version 0.4.0.

Changed in version 0.12.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found too short name: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 111
postfix_template: ClassVar[ViolationPostfixes] = ' < {0}'
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS111'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid short variable or module names.'
class PrivateNameViolation(node=None, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: MaybeASTViolation

WPS112 — Forbid private name pattern.


Private is not private in python. So, why should we pretend it is? This might lead to some serious design flaws.


Rename your variable or method to be protected. Think about your design, why do you want to make it private? Are there any other ways to achieve what you want?

This rule checks: modules, variables, attributes, functions, and methods.


# Correct:
def _collect_coverage(self): ...

# Wrong:
def __collect_coverage(self): ...

Added in version 0.1.0.

Changed in version 0.4.0.

Changed in version 0.14.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found private name pattern: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 112
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS112'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid private name pattern.'
class SameAliasImportViolation(node, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: ASTViolation

WPS113 — Forbid using the same alias as the original name in imports.


Why would you even do this in the first place?


# Correct:
from os import path

# Wrong:
from os import path as path

When –i-control-code is set to False you can reexport things with as, because mypy might require it with implicit_reexport = False setting turned on.


This rule is configurable with --i-control-code and --i-dont-control-code. Default: True

Added in version 0.1.0.

Changed in version 0.13.0.

Changed in version 0.14.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found same alias import: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 113
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS113'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid using the same alias as the original name in imports.'
class UnderscoredNumberNameViolation(node=None, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: MaybeASTViolation

WPS114 — Forbid names with underscored numbers pattern.


This is done for consistency in naming.


Do not put an underscore between text and numbers, that is confusing. Rename your variable or modules do not include underscored numbers.

This rule checks: modules, variables, attributes, functions, method, and classes. Please, note that putting an underscore that replaces - in some names between numbers are fine, example: ISO-123-456 would become iso123_456.


# Correct:
star_wars_episode2 = 'awesome!'
iso123_456 = 'some data'

# Wrong:
star_wars_episode_2 = 'not so awesome'
iso_123_456 = 'some data'

Added in version 0.3.0.

Changed in version 0.4.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found underscored number name pattern: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 114
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS114'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid names with underscored numbers pattern.'
class UpperCaseAttributeViolation(node, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: ASTViolation

WPS115 — Require snake_case for naming class attributes.


Constants with upper-case names belong on a module level.


Move your constants to the module level. Rename your variables so that they conform to snake_case convention.


# Correct:
class A:
    my_attribute = 42

# Wrong:
class A:
    MY_CONSTANT = 42

Added in version 0.3.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found upper-case constant in a class: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 115
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS115'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Require ``snake_case`` for naming class attributes.'
class ConsecutiveUnderscoresInNameViolation(node=None, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: MaybeASTViolation

WPS116 — Forbid using more than one consecutive underscore in variable names.


This is done to gain extra readability. This naming rule already exists for module names.


# Correct:
some_value = 5
__magic__ = 5

# Wrong:
some__value = 5

This rule checks: modules, variables, attributes, functions, and methods.

Added in version 0.3.0.

Changed in version 0.4.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found consecutive underscores name: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 116
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS116'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid using more than one consecutive underscore in variable names.'
class ReservedArgumentNameViolation(node, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: ASTViolation

WPS117 — Forbid naming variables self, cls, or mcs.


These names are special, they should only be used as first arguments inside methods.


# Correct:
class Test:
    def __init__(self):

# Wrong:
cls = 5
lambda self: self + 12

This rule checks: functions and methods. Having any reserved names in lambda functions is not allowed.

Added in version 0.5.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found name reserved for first argument: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 117
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS117'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid naming variables ``self``, ``cls``, or ``mcs``.'
class TooLongNameViolation(node=None, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: MaybeASTViolation

WPS118 — Forbid long variable or module names.


Too long names are unreadable. It is better to use a shorter alternative. Long names also indicate that this variable is too complex, maybe it may require some documentation.


Think of another name. Give less context to it.

This rule checks: modules, variables, attributes, functions, methods, and classes.


# Correct:
total_price = 25
average_age = 45

# Wrong:
final_price_after_fifteen_percent_sales_tax_and_gratuity = 30
total_age_of_all_participants_in_the_survey_divided_by_twelve = 2

This rule is configurable with --max-name-length. Default: 45

Added in version 0.5.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found too long name: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 118
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS118'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid long variable or module names.'
class UnicodeNameViolation(node=None, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: MaybeASTViolation

WPS119 — Forbid unicode names.


This should be forbidden for sanity, readability, and writability.


Rename your entities so that they contain only ASCII symbols.

This rule checks: modules, variables, attributes, functions, methods, and classes.


# Correct:
some_variable = 'Text with russian: русский язык'

# Wrong:
переменная = 42
some_變量 = ''

Added in version 0.5.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found unicode name: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 119
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS119'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid unicode names.'
class TrailingUnderscoreViolation(node, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: ASTViolation

WPS120 — Forbid trailing _ for names that do not need it.


We use trailing underscore for a reason: to indicate that this name shadows a built-in or keyword. So, when overusing this feature for general names: it just harms readability of your program.


Rename your variable not to contain trailing underscores.

This rule checks: variables, attributes, functions, methods, and classes.


# Correct:
class_ = SomeClass
list_ = []

# Wrong:
some_variable_ = 1

Added in version 0.7.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found regular name with trailing underscore: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 120
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS120'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid trailing ``_`` for names that do not need it.'
class UnusedVariableIsUsedViolation(node, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: ASTViolation

WPS121 — Forbid using variables that are marked as unused.

We discourage using variables that start with _ only inside functions and methods as local variables.

However, we allow to use _ because tools like ipython, babel, and django enforce it.


Sometimes you start to use new logic in your functions, and you start to use variables that once were marked as unused. But, you have not renamed them for some reason. And now you have a lot of confusion: the variable is marked as unused, but you are using it. Why? What’s going on?


Rename your variable to be a regular variable without a leading underscore. This way it is declared to be used.


# Correct:
def function():
    first = 15
    return first + 10

# Wrong:
def function():
    _first = 15
    return _first + 10

This rule checks: functions, methods, and lambda functions.

Added in version 0.7.0.

Changed in version 0.12.0.

Changed in version 0.14.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found usage of a variable marked as unused: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 121
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS121'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid using variables that are marked as unused.'
class UnusedVariableIsDefinedViolation(node, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: ASTViolation

WPS122 — Forbid explicit unused variables.


While it is ok to define unused variables when you have to, like when unpacking a tuple, it is totally not ok to define explicit unused variables in cases like assignment, function return, exception handling, or context managers. Why do you need this explicitly unused variables?


Remove all unused variables definition.


# Correct:
first, _second = some_tuple()

# Wrong:
_ = my_function()
_first, _second = some_tuple()

This rule checks: assigns, context managers, except clauses.

Added in version 0.12.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found all unused variables definition: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 122
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS122'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid explicit unused variables.'
class WrongUnusedVariableNameViolation(node, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: ASTViolation

WPS123 — Forbid unused variables with multiple underscores.


We only use _ as a special definition for an unused variable. Other variables are hard to read. It is unclear why would one use it.


Rename unused variables to _ or give it some more context with an explicit name: _context.


# Correct:
some_element, _next_element, _ = some_tuple()
some_element, _, _ = some_tuple()
some_element, _ = some_tuple()

# Wrong:
some_element, _, __  = some_tuple()

Added in version 0.12.0.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found wrong unused variable name: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 123
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS123'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid unused variables with multiple underscores.'
class UnreadableNameViolation(node=None, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: MaybeASTViolation

WPS124 — Forbid variable or module names which could be difficult to read.


Currently one can name your classes like so: ZerO0 Inside it is just O and 0, but we cannot tell it from the word. There are a lot other combinations which are unreadable.


Rename your entity not to contain unreadable sequences.

This rule checks: modules, variables, attributes, functions, methods, and classes.

See UNREADABLE_CHARACTER_COMBINATIONS for full list of unreadable combinations.


# Correct:

# Wrong:

Added in version 0.14.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found unreadable characters combination: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 124
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS124'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid variable or module names which could be difficult to read.'
class BuiltinShadowingViolation(node, text=None, baseline=None)[source]

Bases: ASTViolation

WPS125 — Forbid variable or module names which shadow builtin names.


Your code simply breaks Python. After you create list = 1, you cannot not call builtin function list and what can be worse than that?


Rename your entity to not shadow Python builtins.


# Correct:
my_list = list(some_other)

# Wrong:
str = ''
list = [1, 2, 3]

This can also cause problems when defining class attributes, for example:

class A:
    min = 5
    max = min(10, 20)  # TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

If you feel it is still necessary to use such a class attribute, consider using a noqa comment with caution.

See BUILTINS_WHITELIST for full list of builtins we allow to shadow.

Added in version 0.14.

Changed in version 0.15.

error_template: ClassVar[str] = 'Found builtin shadowing: {0}'
code: ClassVar[int] = 125
full_code: ClassVar[str] = 'WPS125'
summary: ClassVar[str] = 'Forbid variable or module names which shadow builtin names.'